First of all, please check that your setup matches the requirements:
- PHP 5.3+
- WordPress 4.0+
- WooCommerce 2.5+
- Make sure you have WordPress 3.6+ and WooCommerce 2.5+ installed
- Download the plugin from CodeCanyon
- Unzip the downloaded file and locate a file named under Plugin
- Log in to your WordPress administrator zone
- Go to Plugins --> Add New --> Upload
- Upload the file
- Activate the uploaded plugin
2. In case FTP upload is required:
- Download the plugin from CodeCanyon
- Extract the archive
- Locate a folder named woocommerce-custom-emails (or woocommerce-email-center, as previous title) under Plugin
- Upload this folder to wp-content/plugins
- In administrator zone, go to Plugins and activate this plugin
Accessing plugin's page
As soon as you install WooCommerce Email Center, you will find the following menu links in the admin interface:
As soon as you install WooCommerce Email Center, you will find the Settings link below the plugin name on the Plugins page: