In Shipping Methods section you can create and manage unlimited conditional shipping methods. One actual shipping method can have multiple entries in case its rate differs depending on conditions (e.g. cheaper shipping rates for dealers while using the same shipping method).
The following fields are available:
- Method Title - shipping method title visible to your customers.
- Private Note - used to identify specific method between methods with the same method title (e.g. one actual shipping method can have two virtual shipping methods because customers who place orders over $100 get free shipping via the same actual shipping method).
- Conditions - see below.
- Charges: Shipping cost (fixed charge, percentage of subtotal) - cost per whole order.
- Charges: Handling fee (fixed charge, percentage of subtotal) - handling fee per whole order.
- Charges: Cost per weight unit (fixed charge) - cost per each weight unit (kilogram or pound). By default weight is not rounded but used directly as calculated by WooCommerce by adding up weights of all items in cart. Weight calculation can be adjusted more in Advanced Settings.
- Charges: Cost per quantity unit (fixed charge) - cost per each quantity unit. Quantities of all cart line items are added up and then multiplied by value entered here.
Each shipping method can have unlimited conditions.
You can include the following conditions which are checked against cart, customer details, customer shopping history or shipping address:
- General: Subtotal (at least, less than) - checks if cart subtotal is at least (less than) specified value.
- General: Total weight (at least, less than) - checks if total cart weight (sum of all item weights) is at least (less than) a specified value.
- General: Sum of quantities (at least, less than) - checks if sum of all cart line item quantities is is at least (less than) a specified value.
- General: Coupons applied (at least one of selected, all of selected, none of selected) - checks if cart has (does not have) specific coupon codes applied.
- General: Shipping class (at least one of selected, all of selected, none of selected) - checks if cart contains (does not contain) products that have specific shipping class set.
- Products: Products (at least one of selected, all of selected, none of selected) - checks if cart contains (does not contain) specific products.
- Products: Product categories (at least one of selected, all of selected, none of selected) - checks if cart contains (does not contain) products that belong to specific product categories.
- Products: Product attributes (at least one of selected, all of selected, none of selected) - checks if cart contains (does not contain) products with specific product attributes.
- Products: Product tags (at least one of selected, all of selected, none of selected) - checks if cart contains (does not contain) products with specific product tags.
- Shipping Address: Shipping zone (in list, not in list) - checks if customer's shipping address matches (does not match) specific shipping zone (see section Shipping Zones).
- Shipping Address: Country (in list, not in list) - checks customer shipping address country. Default WooCommerce country list is used to select countries.
- Shipping Address: State (in list, not in list) - checks customer shipping address state. Default WooCommerce state list is used to select states.
- Shipping Address: Postcode (matches, does not match) - checks customer shipping address postcode/zip. You can all formats of post codes, e.g. 90210, SW1A 1AA, NSW 2001. Separate individual postcodes by commas. Wildcards are accepted and one wildcard will match one character, e.g. 902**, SW1A ***. Post code ranges are available for numeric postcodes, e.g. 90200-90299.
- Customer: Is logged in (yes, no) - checks if customer is logged in or is shopping as a guest.
- Customer: Role (in list, not in list) - checks if customer has (does not have) a specific role.
- Customer: Capability (in list, not in list) - check if customer has (does not have) a specific capability.
- Customer: Specific customer (in list, not in list) - checks if customer is (is not) a specific user in the system.
- Customer: Customer meta field (is empty, is not empty, contains, does not contain, begins with, ends with, equals, does not equal, less than, less or equal to, more than, more or equal to, is checked, is not checked) - checks if a specific customer meta field value matches configured condition. Separate field is available to enter mete field's key.
- Customer History: Amount spent within (at least, less than) - checks if customer spent at least (less than) specified amount of money within the past few months or years (or all time).
- Customer History: Order count within (at least, less than) - checks if customer placed at least (less than) specified number of orders within the past few months or years (or all time).
- Customer History: Last order amount (at least, less than) - checks if customer's last order total was at least (less than) specified amount of money.
- Customer History: Last order (within past, earlier than) - checks if customer's last order date is within the past (earlier than) few months or years.
If multiple shipping methods match conditions, this plugin will either display all of them for customer to choose from, select the cheapest one automatically or select the first one in a row, as per If multiple methods match setting value in general plugin settings section.