To manage plugin settings go to WooCommerce > Custom Fields > Settings.
The following settings are available - by tabs:
General tab:
- Date format - date format to use for fields of type datepicker.
- Allow multiple files per field - allow to upload more than one file.
- Min File Size / Max File Size - limit the size.
- File Extension Whitelist - only allow specific file types to be uploaded.
- File Extension Blacklist - prevent specific file types from being uploaded.
- Aliases - if provided, they will appear as header titles when fields of specific type are displayed in backend or frontend.
Product Fields tab:
Those are mostly self-explanatory.
- Product prices adjusted to default values
- Display pricing on product pages
- Display pricing on cart/order pages
- Display grand total row
- Attach files to admin New Order emails
- Change list view button to View Product - changing the button label on some conditions.
- Allow admin to edit user submitted values
Product Properties tab:
- Default values displayed automatically - default product property values will be visible to customers before shop manager submits new values via product edit page.
- Product prices adjusted to default values - product prices will be adjusted throughout the shop to account for default applicable product property values before shop manager submits new values via product edit page.
Checkout Fields tab:
- Display pricing next to fields
- Display as single fee - only use this option if all fees are not taxable or use the same tax class.
- Attach files to admin New Order emails
- Allow admin to edit user submitted values
Order Fields tab:
Default values displayed automatically - default order field values will be visible to customers before shop manager submits new values via order edit page.
User Fields tab:
Allow admin to edit user submitted values - this affects values stored on orders, user profile field values can be edited anyway.