Product Pages & Checkout

Subscriptio changes product and cart item prices in multiple places on your store to indicate that a subscription is being purchased and to give customers more information about billing cycle, setup fees etc. Some examples of product prices after these changes:

  • $9.99 / month
  • $14.95 / 2 weeks with a sign-up fee of $19.99
  • $49.95 / year with a free trial of 14 days

If you'd like to change the formatting of these changes, you could create a separate translation, as all those text lines are available in language file (/subscriptio/languages/subscriptio.pot). This is recommended way, as in this case future plugin updates won't override your changes (as opposed to direct changes in code, which is another way to change those lines). Read more about this in our translation article.


Cart item total will indicate price paid now and recurring price individually:

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