Managing Subscriptions

Click on the Subscriptions menu link on the WordPress admin menu. The following list of all subscriptions (both active and inactive) will be displayed:

Clicking on the subscription ID will take you to the subscription edit page. Clicking on product, user or last order will take you to product, user and order edit pages correspondingly.

You can hide any subscription list column by clicking on the Screen Options button and unchecking the checkboxes of the columns that you do not want to see in the list.


Searching Subscriptions

You can filter subscriptions by month when they were created and by subscription status. To filter by a particular status, you can also click on any of the status flags next to any subscription.

You can search subscriptions by filling in a search field and clicking on Search Subscriptions. You can use a free search or search with a context.

Free search searches in ID, Product Name, Product ID, Variation ID, User Full Name and Related Order IDs fields.

To search with a context, append a context keyword at the beginning of your search term followed by a colon, e.g. subscription:123 will search for a subscription with an ID of 123. The following context keywords are available:

  • subscription - searches subscription ID
  • user - searches user ID
  • name - searches user full name
  • order - searches related order IDs
  • product - searches product ID
  • variation - searches variation ID


Subscription Edit Page

Clicking on the subscription ID will take you to the subscription edit page:

Subscription edit page is divided into four sections:

  • General Details - block that displays main subscription information, like its ID, status, recurring amount, dates of important previous actions (like when subscription was started or paused), dates of scheduled future events, payment and shipping methods, IDs of related orders and multiple fields related to customer. Shipping address (if any) can be edited in place by clicking on the [edit] link. Scheduled events dates can also be edited by clicking on the date itself (the calendar will pop up). Please note tthat the proper "flow" should remain, so you will get error after chaging the date, if the order of events in time will be incorrect.
  • Subscription Items - list of subscription products that belong to this subscription. In current version one individual subscription product or subscription variation (with any quantity) results in one subscription (i.e. multiple subscription products can't be pooled into one subscription). Shipping cost (if product requires shipping) is displayed on a separate line. Shipping cost for renewal orders is pre-calculated separately at the time when the initial order is placed, which means that if customer buys a bulky non-subscription item together with a subscription, they won't need to pay that much for a small subscription item and correct shipping rate will be selected.
  • Subscription Actions - allows to select and process subscription actions like pausing or cancelling subscriptions. Transactions can also be moved to Trash and deleted, however, this is not recommended for live subscriptions - it's better to just cancel them and keep for future reference.
  • Transactions List - displays a list of transactions related to current subscription. Newest appear at the top, different transaction outcomes (transaction result) are indicated by different transaction background colors.


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