On the first tab of settings on the plugin's page you can enable or disable specific functionality and control other main settings of this module:
"Settings" tab - Regular Invoice settings and Invoice Numbering
These are settings for regular invoices only.
The following fields are available:
- Enable regular invoicing - this is the switch that enables the invoicing at all.
- Allow download - show or hide download link. If enabled, clients will be able to download invoices from order preview page.
- Attach to order emails - enable or disable sending by email. If enabled, PDF invoice will be emailed to the client along with Order Processing or Completed email.
- Generate invoice on - when exactly the regular Invoice should be generated: either on payment, or when the order marked as "completed".
Also there are options for numbering the invoices:
- Numbering method - you can either select the number to repeat after order numbers, or to have a separate sequence.
- Next number - change next invoice number if needed.
- Prefix - enter invoice number prefix if needed.
- Suffix - enter invoice number suffix if needed.
Proforma Invoice Settings
These are settings for proforma invoices only.
The following fields are available:
- Enable proforma invoicing - enable or disable proforma invoices. Proforma invoices are generated as soon as the order is placed. Proforma invoice ID equals order ID. As soon as the order is processed, proforma invoices are replaced with newly generated regular invoices. If enabled, proforma invoices will also be attached to manually sent Customer Invoice emails.
- Allow download - show or hide download link. If enabled, clients will be able to download proforma invoices from the order preview page.
- Attach to order emails - enable or disable sending by email. If enabled, PDF proforma invoice will be emailed to the client along with Order On-hold email and possibly Processing Order email (depending on other settings).
- Trigger Customer Invoice emails - if enabled, "Customer Invoice" email will be triggered for all new orders and PDF proforma invoice will be attached.
"Advanced" tab - Invoice Settings
More advanced settings for the Invoice layout. The following fields are available:
- Display product ID/SKU - you can select whether or not the product ID/SKU will be displayed for each item just before its name.
- Display product category - controls whether or not to display product category below each order item on the invoice. If there are multiple categories, they will be displayed in one line separated by commas.
- Display short description - controls whether or not to display product short description below each order item on the invoice. This extension attempts to convert HTML to text but this feature is experimental. Use plain text to be sure that the final result looks as expected.
- Display product images - controls whether or not to display product images below product name whenever available. Up to 5 images are supported, and this can be changed via filter.
- Display currency symbol - if enabled, currency symbol (e.g. $) will be displayed next to every amount on the invoice. Currency code (e.g. USD) is displayed next to total amount in any way.
- Display shipping when free - if enabled, shipping row will be displayed even if shipping is free (zero value).
- Display amount in words - depending on your country, you may need to print amount in words on your invoices. Use the translation file that comes with this plugin to translate numbers, set your own currency and plural forms.
- Reset numbering each year - if enabled, the next invoice number will be reset to 1 when the first invoice is generated each year. For this to take effect, there must be at least one invoice generated last year and no invoices generated this year.
- Allow more decimals - if enabled, the invoice will show more decimals than usual when this is required for the math to work out correctly.
Tax Settings
Tax-related settings. The following fields are available:
- Display tax rows - if enabled, all applicable taxes will be listed just above (if Subtotal is exclusive of tax) or below (if Subtotal is inclusive of tax) Total row.
- Display tax inline - you may need to display net amount, tax rate and tax amount individually for each line item. This is useful when different rates of the same tax are used for different items on the same invoice, e.g. reduced VAT rate is applied to specific group of products.
- Display amount inclusive of tax - if enabled, line item price, line subtotal and subtotal will be displayed inclusive of tax. This plugin always overrides related WooCommerce settings. This setting is ignored when tax is displayed inline.
- Display total excl. tax row - if enabled, an additional line will be added to the totals block that displays total exclusive of tax.
Other Settings
Some more additional settings. The following fields are available:
- When personal data is removed - when handling an account erasure request, should invoices within orders be retained or removed?
- Display order page buttons - if enabled, the download button will be displayed for a customer next to each order in the orders list. These buttons are optional - if you disable them, invoice download links will still be displayed on a single order details page if "Allow download" is enabled.
- Send proforma invoice to admin - if enabled, proforma invoices will be attached to New Order email that is sent to store administrator or manager. Please note that proforma invoicing must be enabled for this feature to take effect.
- Allow admins to delete invoices - you are strongly advised against activating and using this feature as it may cause more harm than good. When you delete an invoice and regenerate it, invoice number will be different (if you use internal numbering sequence). It is against accounting standards to have gaps in the invoice numbering system - you must account for each number in the sequence. Use at your own risk.
- Force user login - although it is impossible for anyone to guess the download URL for a particular invoice, you may wish to tighten security even more by requesting user login before invoices can be downloaded.